Alvin Law





The most valuable Lesson of all “The world does not adapt to us. We  adapt to it”.  This will transform how we show up, giving us the greatest ability to succeed in everything we do.                                            

Let me share that with you and your audience.                           

Alvin Law Drumming

“A speaker who can influence people’s lives, hearts and minds for the better”

Alvin is perfect for ......

“company seeking influences who can increase both the productivity and the quality of life of their employees”

“students and adults are left with a renewed desire to excel


Leaders are not born, they are made!
In forty years on stage, I have met thousands of leaders, whether in education, business or volunteerism, they’ve been “teachers” and source of so much knowledge I will share.

Let’s show everyone a path that they will want to follow.                           

Alvin Law Drumming

an incredible individual whose story and perspective on life should be shared with as many people as possible

Alvin shows everyone......

the means to meet their professional and personal challenges

the importance of believing in themselves


We need clear vision and true visionaries. Let’s explore “vision and visionaries” and how they shaped the culture of our world and everyone in it for the better. 

Insightful and inspiring, clarity without limits.                       

Alvin Law Drumming

An awesome, inspiring, thought-provoking speaker

Alvin gives......

hope amid unbelievable hardship”

inspiration for all who hear and observe him”

clarity and sincerity


The first impression matters, the lasting impression matters more. Success is the light within that shines on what we do, who we do it with, and why we do it. And it always shows through.

You and your audience deserve to been fully seen in the world.                           

Alvin Law Drumming

Simple talk from an amazing person who used attitude to positive outcome. 
Thirty years later I remember Alvin.
I remember what he said.
I remember,

Alvin reminds us......

“you can do anything if you just think, I CAN !” 

“anytime someone can connect with you… to this degree the results will be long lasting”


True success comes from recognizing the value we create for others and it begins with the value we create in ourselves.                                     

Transform your self, increase your value, and multiply your results.                           

Alvin Law Drumming

“Alvin changed the way I look at myself and others, who they truly are”

Alvin connects ......

“I’ve seen well over 100 speakers, and there isn’t another like Alvin he isn’t a nice to have is a must have

“a motivational speaker who is truly motivational”
“a captivating speaker with an inspiring message”

I’ve seen well over a hundred speakers, and I can’t imagine anyone from any walk of life who wouldn’t benefit from hearing Alvin’s story. Once you hear him, you’re changed for the better – his message sticks with you, and you’re a lot less likely to suffer under your own self-imposed limitations or obstacles. He’s a genuine, funny and relatable speaker. Alvin is not a nice-to-have. He’s a must-have.

Testimonial Item

Kevin Kerley

Chairman, Academy of Chief Executives

Alvin is an incredible individual whose story and perspective on life should be shared with as many people as possible

Testimonial Item

Dan Allen

Human Resources Development Canada

Imagine being born with no arms, yet living life with an incredibly positive attitude. Imagine going through life being able to tell others “never say can’t because the impossible is possible when you really believe”. Alvin law has a message that needs to be heard. He has a presentation that needs to be seen.

Testimonial Item

Alan Filer

The Financial Planning Group

Alvin owns his own motivation, and ignites it in others because he models the behaviour he speaks about. He lives it every day. He doesn’t tell people to change – they want to change after seeing him.

Testimonial Item

Paul Bridle

CEO, Excellence Squared Ltd.

Alvin is a genius. He is one of the most relatable speakers I have ever heard. When Alvin started to speak, he quickly became “one of us”. He made us laugh, he made us cry, he made us think. Most importantly Alvin helped us understand that we become what we pay attention to. I love this guy.

Testimonial Item

Terry Small

The Brain Guy

I saw Alvin speak at an Association conference, and he blew me away. Based on that, I hired him to come in and speak to my managers and staff on our training day. He also generously offered to speak at a school in our high-needs neighbourhood. So I’ve seen him speak 3 times, to 3 very different audiences: board members, employees, and primary school children.

Testimonial Item

Herb Pirk

General Manager, Oakdale Golf & Country Club

Alvin Law provided the most powerful message that I have ever heard from a public speaker. He is an incredibly gifted presenter with a meaningful message for every Canadian.

Testimonial Item

Mark Cullen

CTV, Canada AM/680 News/Toronto Star/monthly newsletter and more

I wanted to thank you for the excellent presentation at the Husky Safety Summit. Your story and open presence on the stage was inspirational in many ways. It is very refreshing to see a presentation that was able to hit home with all in attendance.

Testimonial Item

Duane Goretzky

Husky Energy

Alvin did an exceptional job opening the Fraser Valley Economic Summit. He was entertaining, inspiring, and made his message relevant to the theme of the day. The delegates loved him, and the organizing committee was thrilled with what he brought to the event. I can’t imagine anyone who would have done a better job opening our event and setting the tone for the day!”

Testimonial Item

Justin P. Goodrich

Managing Partner, Alliance Public & Government Relations

The Championship Team’s event, Imagining Your Future, was a tremendous success. We received very positive feedback from the youth in attendance and there was a great deal of excitement around your speech. When students were asked to identify their favourite part of the day, the overwhelming majority answered that your speech was the best part. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and wisdom; the youth in attendance were moved, inspired and motivated by your words.

Testimonial Item

M. Donihue

Ottawa Crown Ward Education Championship Team

Thank you for being a keynote speaker at the AME Annual Conference in Covington, Kentucky. It was very important to get the Conference started on a good note. That is why we selected you to be the first keynote speaker. We were not disappointed. You certainly delivered a great start to the Conference.

Testimonial Item

J. Rizzo

AME Annual Conference Chair

I felt inclined to let you know that your presentation made at the CAAR Convention this past Wednesday was the most inspirational I have ever heard. Not only is your message of inspiration wonderful, but your delivery of the message is done so well. Your positive spirit absolutely exudes off the stage.

Testimonial Item

D. Fitzgerald

ISK Bioscience Corporation

I wanted to extend my sincere thanks to you for the incredible and powerful presentation that you gave at the CAAR Convention. [You] speak with conviction and power about overcoming adversity and truly making a difference in the world we live in. It has been a long time since I have had the privilege to not only be entertained but delivers a simple message of how anyone can truly make a difference in this life.

Testimonial Item

J. Ihme

Bayer Crop Science

Thank you so much for being the keynote speaker at our HRPLD Seminar in London. You did a terrific job not only sharing your story but engaging us in laughter, empathy, appreciation, understanding and giving everyone several thoughts/messages to take back to not only their workplace but their lives.
Well done!

Testimonial Item

B. Smith


On behalf of Paul Grace and the IoD Committee, thank you very much for speaking to the Herts I0D at Sopwell House in November. I have had feedback from a number of people who told me how thought-provoking they found your talk – how could they not! It was a great mix of humor, enthusiasm and showmanship (I refer to the amazing drum solo of course), but at the same time, let us see something of the difficult journey, both physical and mental, you had to become the exceptional individual you are today.

Testimonial Item

M. Ohlendorf

Institute of Directors, Herfordshire

Alvin Can Help A CEO Make Company-wide Change

-Feadured Review-

Paul Bridle, CEO
Excellence Squared Ltd.

“I’m not a huge fan of motivational speakers – I firmly believe that you can’t impose motivation on others, it has to come from inside them. Alvin owns his own motivation, and ignites it in others because he models the behaviour he speaks about. He lives it every day. He doesn’t tell people to change – they want to change after seeing him.”

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Alvin Everywhere ......

Bit of Blog

Do You “Belong”?

I always find it fascinating to read about trends in the industry I’ve been a professional at for 43 years! People assume I specialize in “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”, and of course, it’s in my “playbook”. The problem is while I appear to fit the demographic of a...

Step Into Your Greatness™

In 42 years of taking the stage to tell my story and hopefully, inspire my audiences, I’ve never done a “branding exercise!” Why would I need to do that? There’s only one Alvin Law! It’s not like I can franchise me! And for most of my life, I’ve honestly been really...

Why Some Great Ink On Wheel of Fortune Matters

A completely casual moment in our social routine at home, which is also work (anyone relate?) caught my attention this week and inspired this blog which will also have a significant reference to something called… ”Bell; Let’s Talk Day”, taking place on January 26,...

The Impressionist

I was speaking in Atlanta recently. It was for the Georgia Chapter of the National Speakers Association (NSA). I’m a member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS) and have been for 21 years and even a member of its Hall of Fame. I mention that...

October Is Disability Employment Awareness Month…Why?

So, a quick, cursory count of the number of International “Days” last year came in at just over 200. With 365 days in a calendar year, that sounds like a lot. Frankly, I thought there’d be more. But…that isn’t meant to sound cynical. In fact, if your life is...

Covid And Parallel Lives

I tried hard not to evoke this predictable reference but the Willie Nelson classic song, “On The Road Again” was playing in my head as I drove to the Calgary airport early on this Sunday morning in September of 2021. It’s an incredibly creepy feeling. Other than a...

Japan: Meet Alvin Law

This new blog is being written Thursday, August 26, 2021. I don’t typically time stamp my blogs but the exception is noted because I’m about to become famous…in Japan!  I wanted to show the day before my life will enter yet another path I never anticipated or...

The Technology Conundrum

Welcome To My New Website! Woohoo! I first want to publicly acknowledge and thank Robert Hubbs and Brenda Crompton. They are our friends and our IT Team, amongst other roles they play in our life...The Life Of A Professional Speaker. Marketing, Analytics, Social...

Zoomed Out? That Was Quick!

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United We Stand, Divided We Fall

So here’s the issue for today’s blog. The fallout from the 2020 American Election is incredible. I dislike immensely “time stamping” my blogs, but this one is being written when a winner of the Presidential race has yet to be confirmed! Emotions are through the roof,...

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Alvin Law

Award Winning Professional Speaker, Author, Actor & Musician. Two Time Hall Of Fame Inductee.